14 companies located in Torre Universal prioritize actions that benefit the environment

14 companies located in Torre Universal prioritize actions that benefit the environment


The World Day of Environmental Education, celebrated on January 26 of each year, becomes the perfect occasion to continue with the constant effort to incorporate sustainable practices in the operation of different companies.

Such is the case of 14 companies located in Torre Universal, such as: Microsoft, Equifax, Banco Promerica, Spoon, Go Market, CINDE, European Union, Doctores Kaver, Panamedical, Taco Bell, UCC, Akurey, Cleo Dental and Spoon, which bring together important efforts in the development of actions that benefit the environment.

 Torre Universal is a project developed and operated by Portafolio Inmobiliario; an organization that assumes the issue of sustainability within its transversal strategy, for which it created its Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2024, which has 4 axes: Collective Empathy, Circular Operation, Eco-nstruction and Governance and Communication.

“Part of the strategy includes sharing learning and best environmental practices to educate the different stakeholders, such as: collaborators, tenants and condominium owners. In this way, we promote the objective of knowing and putting into practice sustainability actions that help mitigate the consequences that the world experiences in the face of bad socio-environmental habits,” said Diana Villareal, director of the Universal Tower Project.

Torre Universal has provided information and training on the management and separation of waste, achieving in 2022 that its tenants separate more than 30% in recoverable waste, diverting more than 38 tons from the landfill.

Another important action has been learning about water issues, where a daily mapping of all the tenants' consumption is carried out and the daily information is detailed to them for their assessment and decision-making. In terms of energy efficiency, consumption has been quantified, managing to detect points of improvement to save electricity and make intelligent use of it.

Every year, the corporate center has a list of training on Circular Operation issues, focused on: energy efficiency, greenhouse gases, comprehensive waste management and its correct separation, knowledge of special and hazardous waste management, importance of the resource water and how to take care of water; Climate change and its impacts on the environment and society.

In addition, thanks to its sustainable management, Torre Universal has received awards such as: the LEED Gold Certification, the Ecological Blue Flag in the Climate Change category and the completion of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory of the Country Program for Carbon Neutrality.

“In 2023, we will be applying new methodologies to efficiently educate tenants through the Tenant Sustainability Committee. By implementing these practices, Torre Universal reinforces its commitment to the issue of sustainability and continues to bet on creating memorable experiences in harmony with the planet,” added Villareal.

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